In case a day your are in Minsk make sure you walk along Rakovskaya street.
Rakovskaya is the most soulful, authentic and full of atmosphere street of the capital.
Here there is no artificial look of the rennovated Trinity Hill and this is the very place where it still feels the spirit of the Jewish country town that the captal of Belarus was a short time ago. Can it be in other way if the traditional inhabitants of Rakovskaya str. were modest Jewih craftsmen?
What we like in this location is that it corresponds to the spirit of the ¨correct¨ Misk – good-neighborly and tolerable. To see synagogues next to the cathedrals and monasteries is quite normal.
The fact that Rakovskaya Str., ended with the square named in the honor of 1500 year anniversary of the Nikiteisky synod is not a joke but a speciality of Minsk. The synod announced separation of the Christianity from Judaism and the day off was set to be Sunday, not Saturday :) But repeating once again such conflicts of ideology are pretty normal for Minsk.